Comments on: How to Make Gochujang a Korean mom's home cooking Fri, 31 May 2024 22:34:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel M Fri, 31 May 2024 22:34:24 +0000 5 stars
If I am able to only find dry sweet rice flour, should I wet it before adding it to the malt liquid? Or can I add it in its dry form?

Thank you!

By: Patricia Bulleigh Wed, 08 May 2024 06:04:27 +0000 I hope to try this for the fall here in Minnesota. As a household of one. I think a lot of this is also going to be in my Christmas baskets. With a couple of recipes easy for Americans to get ingredients for.
Already making ginger candy and syrup with both honey and sugar. That gets recipes for a tea,cake, ginger pop.
I am also experimenting on using the syrup in making sugar for cubes and baking. I want a ginger Pheffernuse cookies. Think I spelled that wrong but this phone is not getting the word right in spellchecker or voice!

By: Dr Zhivago Sat, 16 Mar 2024 17:40:38 +0000 5 stars
In reply to Jared.

Heheh – yeah my brain did the same thing. I had mine on an induction plate and monitored the temp, and thenI used Iodine to test for starch conversion.

By: Hyosun Sat, 06 Jan 2024 03:08:40 +0000 In reply to Itzel.

Gochujang is made during cold months, usually October to March, to prevent freshly made gochujang from spoiling and from fermenting too quickly. It’s traditionally kept outdoors in earthenwares for years going through some cold winter and hot summer. If the weather is very cold when gochujang is made, it will slow down the fermentation further or no fermentation happens until it gets warmer. You can wait until Feb or March to make it if the cold temp is a concern.

By: Itzel Wed, 03 Jan 2024 19:04:07 +0000 5 stars
In reply to Hyosun.

Excited to try this recipe! Thank you for posting it.
I do have another question about the temperature though.
Here in Canada winters are cold cold (5°C to -20°C easy), is that still ok or is below freezing point too cold?

By: Hyosun Sun, 26 Nov 2023 01:57:57 +0000 In reply to Dave.

Cold is fine. You can leave it out longer in cold weather.

By: Dave Sun, 26 Nov 2023 01:10:45 +0000 What is to cold to leave outside during the fermentation process?

By: Jared Sun, 05 Nov 2023 05:22:04 +0000 I made this for the first time last year and was giving it away it was so good. Used it in Eric Kim’s recipe for Gochujang Sugar Cookies and it was perfect. Even my one-year old was pushing through the burn 🙂

One thing I noticed as I was re-reading the recipe for this year’s batch, a good chunk of this process is incredibly similar to making beer at home. If you can control the temperature, the enzymes that make the starches simple and digestible for fermentation operate best/most efficiently around 140F (50C). I used my sous vide machine to keep the temperature constant for 2 hours.

Another point…The yeast for the fermentation process is in the meju garu (메주가루). So, do not add it until the temperature of the solution is around 100F / 38C. If it’s too hot, it could kill the yeast.

By: Heidi Fri, 03 Nov 2023 04:47:55 +0000 In reply to Sarah Hong.

If it’s any help, I always make my kimchi in a large glass jar, then store it in the fridge. Ditto the gochujang – with a mesh covering to keep the insects out. Works fine.

By: Heidi Thu, 02 Nov 2023 02:47:11 +0000 Hi – I live in Australia, where our summers are extremely hot. Is it ok to leave my gochujang out in the sun above 35 degrees C?
