Comments on: 20 Korean Vegan Recipes a Korean mom's home cooking Sun, 08 Aug 2021 00:15:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lea Sun, 08 Aug 2021 00:15:17 +0000 Thank you for these! I recently moved across the country and I don’t get to have my grandmother’s Korean food anymore so I am really excited to try these to cure some homesickness.

By: craig wier Wed, 03 Mar 2021 17:33:25 +0000 Lovely new site…

By: mio Sun, 17 Jan 2021 05:12:47 +0000 5 stars
Thank you very much for these wonderful recipes.
I tried #4 and #7 tonight – both were so delicious. The recipe instruction is also very clear as well. I appreciate your taking your time to prepare them.
I plan to make rest of the items on this page!

By: AE3nn Sat, 09 Jan 2021 06:07:06 +0000 In reply to Hyosun.

That was the one I noticed. Glad it has been corrected!

By: Adhira Wed, 02 Dec 2020 06:58:51 +0000 this was really helpful for me cause I am a vegetarian (vegan) and I also got know more about korean food

By: Huiying Chin Thu, 26 Mar 2020 20:47:56 +0000 I love all your recipes!! Thank you for making these super yummy vegan versions of my favorite korean side dishes

By: liz Sun, 27 Oct 2019 03:25:32 +0000 I’m so excited to find this page. I’ve been happily making your Hobak Gochujang Jigae without the crab for a couple of years now. I’ll explore these now happily too. Thank you!

By: Bkhuna Wed, 23 Jan 2019 10:47:23 +0000 This is the year where I have begun the journey of eating more plant based food into my diet. I lived in the Tokyo metropolitan area for 11 years when I was in my 30’s and was much healthier. I also made frequent trips to Korea and fell in love with the food.

Unfortunately, in the last 20 years, my diet and my health issues have deteriorated to the point that I’m an overweight Westerner with high blood pressure, gout, and type 2 diabetes.

I was inspired to do something about it when I watched the documentary “Miso Hungry”. I remembered back to the healthier times when I enjoyed the many varieties of tofu, seaweed, miso, pickles and fish.

Thank you for these recipes. I look forward to trying each of them and incorporating them into my life.

By: Hyosun Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:02:08 +0000 In reply to Ae3nn.

Hmm which ones have eggs, milk, and/or honey? The only thing I meant to correct for a vegan recipe was hobak buchim, but forgot to do before posting this. It’s been corrected to omit the egg for a vegan version. Please let me know the specific ones you see so I can fix any mistakes. Thanks.

By: Ae3nn Wed, 23 Jan 2019 05:07:51 +0000 While some of these recipes are vegan, quite a few are vegetarian but not vegan. Vegetarian refers to dishes which don’t contain any meat. Vegan means that they don’t contain any animal products, including eggs, milk, and honey.
